Baby figures: Confirmed originals. As with the ‘Heads’ these larger than life baby shapes are also the early work of 林思瑩LIN SZU YING from Yilan. Both are made of fiber glass and have been expertly repaired. Whether or not this was by the artist is unknown but early in any artist’s career, with funds short, materials matter. Also discovered in Dongshan, Yilan.
嬰兒雕塑-藝術家林思瑩原創藝術作品:與「頭」作品一樣,這些比真實嬰兒還要大的嬰兒形狀雕塑也是來自宜蘭的林思瑩Lin Szu Ying 的早期作品,由玻璃纖維製成,並經過專業修復。即便作品完成於藝術家早期默默無名之時,但作品仍值得收藏。發現於宜蘭冬山鄉。